Learn and Promote Healthy Living through Food and Nutrition Program

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    Mar 12, 2014
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Learn and Promote Healthy Living through Food and Nutrition Program Photo by Jason White

With the popularity of foodie culture and vast opening of restaurants, Torontonians sure have plenty of food to taste. With as many choices for indulgence, there are also many health-conscious individuals promoting good eating health habits. Good nutrition is what our society needs, especially with the spike of diseases like diabetes and heart disease, especially to the younger demographic. Exercise works best with conjunction with a balanced diet. People need to understand and promote healthy living and that is why Centennial College is raising groups of knowledgeable and skilled individuals in their Food and Nutrition Management Program.

The two-year program is located at the Morningside campus within the School of Community and Health Studies. Students go through rigorous academic training, so they can apply them to the workplace. First, they must demonstrate their abilities in the lab practice on campus, as well as at an employer in the healthcare sector and food and nutrition industry. Discover the wonders of this program by taking a look at some of the exciting lessons:

  • The learning environment consists of traditional classrooms where lectures, discussions, and guest speaker sessions will take place. There are also field trips and lab practices to show and let students try the workload of a worker in food and nutrition.
  • Students will practice on industry-used software in computer classes.
  • Students will learn about various areas of nutrition, including therapeutic nutrition.
  • Kitchen production skills will be developed, where students will learn food production, inventory management, and safe sanitation practices.
  • In addition to the kitchen skills, students will learn the functions of food services, including a hands-on practice at Centennial's Residence and Conference Centre.
  • An exploration of food properties will be studied, so students can prepare and present food professionally.
  • Purchasing of quality food with ethical considerations will be examined, as well as the whole food service program in Toronto.

Interested applicants can prepare for the program by ensuring that they are qualified and able to meet the requirements as listed below:

  • Completion of high school with a secondary school diploma or equivalent; or valid mature student status
  • Minimum grade in Grade 12 English in the college or university level
  • Minimum grade in Grade 11 college/university or university level, or Grade 12 college or university level
  • A skills assessment test for English and math may still be required
  • Students must purchase lab coats, kitchen knives, and a food thermometer at the start of the program, which will be used throughout the semesters in lab practice.
  • Prior to the field placement, students must pass a police check with vulnerable sector screening, obtain a CPR certificate, complete a Standard First Aid course, and meet the health requirements of legislated acts, ministry guidelines and agency policies by having a doctor's approval.

Centennial students are equipped with the kitchen skills and food and nutrition knowledge for a career in the food service and nutrition areas. Many start their careers as a Food Service Coordinator, Diet Technician, and Food and Nutrition Specialist. Centennial graduates have been hired by reputable organizations such as the Rouge Valley Health System, Rivera, Compass, and Toronto East General Hospital.

Author's Profile

Jason White described the wealth of knowledge and variety of useful skills that students will learn in the Food and Nutrition Management program, which are important in the food services and nutrition industry.

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