Financial Training at Centennial Ensures Speedy Entry into the Workforce

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    Nov 27, 2012
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If you are looking for a speedy way to enter the financial services field and pursue a career in banks, credit unions, financial planning organizations, investment and mutual fund companies and more, then Centennial College's eight-month financial planning program may be for you.

Centennial College expects students applying for admission to this financial training to present at minimum an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or equivalent or be 19 years of age or older. In addition, students must have completed the compulsory English 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent and Math 11C, M or U, or 12C or U or skills assessment, or equivalent. Students will be placed in the appropriate English and math levels based on skills assessment results. This may lead to additional courses and require extra time and fees. However, it sound be noted that meeting minimum admission requirements does not guarantee admission to financial services program.

Experienced faculty members who are professionals from the industry deliver the financial training courses within the Financial Services Fundamentals program. These courses include: Financial Services Fundamentals (concentrates on the recording process and the production of financial statements), Personal Credit (introduces the student to the principles of credit extension), Principles of Marketing (provides an overview of contemporary marketing, emphasizing the management of the product/service, price, promotion and distribution areas of an organization within a changing environment), and more. In addition, the financial training program includes a course leading to a license to sell mutual funds. (This will incur costs in addition to regular tuition). Lastly, graduates may continue their education into the two-year financial training program where in one additional year they can enhance their qualifications. This enables them to pursue lucrative careers in the broader financial planning services industry.

Upon graduation, students are guaranteed to find a meaningful career as continued growth in the financial services sector provides exciting employment opportunities for qualified individuals. "Many people end up working for banks and some people work for mutual fund companies selling mutual funds or advising on mutual funds to the general public. I am confident that in eight months, if you pass the exams, if you meet the standard, there are jobs available," says Harvey Willows, a professor in the financial training program.

These jobs come from rationalization and consolidation within the industry having reduced the number of traditional entry-level jobs, such as bank tellers. However, other factors have countered this by creating more stimulating and higher-skilled positions. These factors include a more marketing-focused industry, increased competition, demographics, advances in technology and a global financial environment. This is the reason why Zarah Kareshi enrolled in the financial training courses at Centennial College. "What I like most about the program is that financial services is not only interesting because it talks about the economy and what finance is actually like, but also because it’s practical. These days you can work up towards a designation. It's such a broad field."

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The author writes about the benefits of enrolling for a financial planning program which will ensure you speedy training during the program and a successful job career in financial planning organizations.

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