Explore Different Contemporary Career Paths with a Communications and Media Foundations Program

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    Mar 04, 2014
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Explore Different Contemporary Career Paths with a Communications and Media Foundations Program Photo by Natalie Carrigan

A program in communications and media foundations may be the right choice for those who

  • Wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the communications and media industries
  • Need to develop fundamentals for success in communications and media fields
  • Want to undertake creative exploration and experimentation with contemporary digital and social media production tools before choosing a specific career path
  • Want to develop communications skills required to work in communications and media industries
  • Are looking to obtain eligibility for various communications and media programs, such as advertising and marketing communications management advanced diploma program, journalism advanced diploma program or broadcasting and film advanced diploma program
  • Want to examine the career opportunities that various communications and media programs offer
  • Wish to identify which particular course suits their needs and leads them to the career path of their choice

A program in communication and media education foundation is an intensive preparation program that focuses on developing communication skills while introducing students to diverse programs and career paths. It helps students explore their interests and post-secondary education programs, so that they can make a right decision.

Program Details

Centennial College’s media education foundation and communication program runs for one year and covers a wide range of subjects, including:

  • Tools and processes for communicators
  • Introduction to media
  • Developing communications portfolio skills
  • Multimedia
  • Essential English skills
  • Communications
  • Exploring digital culture
  • Introduction to media writing

The program is taught by talented faculty and is guided by creative media industry professionals. During this program, the students

  • Make use of rich media applications and create and maintain a forum in social media networks
  • Learn to produce practical written communications and media solutions by applying theoretical principles
  • Research various traditional and non-traditional media forms, platforms and communication methods
  • Learn to make the right use of vocabulary and terminology in the communications and media environment
  • Build a presentation portfolio by applying developed English language skills
  • Examine beliefs and behaviours that form individual and community identities and the basis for respectful relationships

In addition, they also

  • Explore various career options that communications and media industry offers
  • Explore various post-secondary communication and media education programs that the college offers
  • Identify their interests and career goals and choose a career path that best suits their needs and interests
  • Prepare for a communications and media program that they wish to apply for

The program aims to help students build strong basis in multimedia, various forms of media, media communications and writing and digital culture. In addition, it also helps them develop a communications portfolio, which is a necessary condition to seek admission in more advanced journalism, advertising, marketing communications and broadcasting and film programs.

Admission Requirements

In order to apply for this program, students will need:

  • Secondary school diploma or equivalent
  • English Grade 12 C or University or equivalent (applicants who do not meet this criteria will be required to take English skills assessment for admission)

Author's Profile

The author here talks about one year communication program offered by Centennial College. He further talks about how it trains the students to make a career in field of communication and media. 

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