College Courses Teach Applied Learning and Offers Placements in the Industry

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    Jan 22, 2014
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College Courses Teach Applied Learning and Offers Placements in the Industry Photo by Jason White

Educational institutions need to keep up with industry practices so their programs remain relevant and can produce capable graduates, ready to jumpstart their careers. A good example of such place is Centennial College, a postsecondary institution with innovative programs of all disciplines. Its standards in college courses remain high, taught by qualified professors and containing curriculum based on practical training.

College is all about a more hands-on approach than universities, but Centennial is all about the training and experience gained by students from each program. With over 200 programs on the list, Centennial ensures that students are engaged through practical examples, case studies, lab practices, and on-campus training. Depending on the program, some may include a hands-on experience outside of the campus as described below.

Co-op Programs
Programs with a co-op option are those with a college course held on the job site. These programs vary and include areas in business, engineering, and Information Technology. Centennial partners with industry leaders within these areas and provide students with support in attaining quality co-op work terms, where they will learn their chosen field under the guidance of professionals. Many co-op model routes are paid and optional, however, some programs make them mandatory for graduation, to ensure that students understand the class lectures and are able to apply the theory in actual jobs. A notable number of graduates have successfully transitioned from Centennial to work at their employers from their co-op experience.

Apprenticeship Programs
An on-the-job training experience, apprenticeships differ from many work placements because students need to show that they are skilled to complete specific functions in order to graduate from their program. College programs with apprenticeships include various transportation programs as well as some engineering programs and community studies programs. The key point with apprenticeship is learning the trade and being able to do the work required. Some students start working at their employers, before they enroll at college, which is also another educational path in which Centennial recognizes, so the college created the modified apprenticeship programs. Similar to co-op route, many apprentices graduate with a job offer already waiting for them.

Joint Programs
Centennial's hands-on learning approach is not limited to employers in the industry providing the training. It is a college, after all, and one with excellent facilities and modern technology to help students learn their trade. In a joint program, Centennial is the place where students gain a more practical learning experience. With its university partners, students spend some of their time learning at the universities and some learning at Centennial. Programs, such as Nursing and Journalism, are included in the joint programs.

When it comes to college courses, Centennial offers a diverse variety of choices, all with a level of applied learning. Some programs include work placements, such as co-op and apprenticeship programs, while some are based on school with a university partner. Centennial offers its best to its students by staying on top of industry requirements to ensure students have the right skills and experience to start their career.

Author's Profile

Jason White wrote this article about three umbrella programs that involves the college and its industry partners as the main point of on-the-job training at Centennial College.

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