Sneaky Fashion Tips for Girls on a Shoestring Budget

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    Sep 01, 2014
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Sneaky Fashion Tips for Girls on a Shoestring Budget Photo by Colin Armstrong

So you've opened up your bank account and shock horror you're completely out of cash. This does not mean your wardrobe has to suffer for it, though. You can still make your clothes look upscale without having to visit the local loan shark. We are going to show you some clever ways in which you can upgrade your clothing on a shoestring budget, whether they are simple hot pants or elaborate bodycon dresses.

Change the Buttons on a Coat
The key difference between coats of different prices is the buttons. Cheap plastic buttons means low quality and elaborate Celtic knots means high quality. Take that cheap coat you bought and buy the buttons separately for a pittance. Swap them out and you now have an upmarket coat without the upmarket price.

Fake Leather Pumps
There is something about cheap clothing that always boggles the mind. There are some materials that look better fake than others do. In the case of shoes, avoid buying fake leather because you cannot afford the real things. Instead, you can pick up some faux suede shoes and they will instantly look more posh.

Invest in a Steamer
The ironing board is not good enough to make you look ready to take on the world. A better way of getting wrinkles out of your clothes is to invest in a steamer. A relatively inexpensive steamer can make any item of clothing look better. It does take longer to setup a steamer and put all your clothes through it, but it is worth it.

Use a Slip
Another easy way of upgrading your wardrobe is to purchase a slip. Inexpensive clothing rarely has a line, which marks it out as something that did not come from a top designer. Use the slip to cover up these areas and you will be able to make it look like your clothes did in fact come from a top designer.

Furthermore, slips have the advantage of making your clothes fit and flow with an extra degree of elegance.

Think about the Fabric
Certain fabrics look more expensive than others do. If you are strapped for cash, avoid looking at faux versions of your favourite fabrics. Look to fabrics like tweed, cotton, and linen. These look more expensive, despite the fact they could have cost almost nothing from the local second-hand shop.

See a Tailor
Take some of the clothes from your wardrobe and have them tailored to fit your body perfectly. Tailored clothing will always look more expensive, even if the original garment cost almost nothing. This is especially effective with ladies/women's jackets. It will cost more upfront per piece of clothing, but it also allows you to do more with fewer pieces of clothing.

Fabric Shaving
For piling knitted clothing, use a fabric shaver. It is a godsend for that tatty old jumper you have been thinking about throwing in the bin. At worst, a fabric shaver will make your old knitwear look as good as new.

There are far more tips for girls on a shoestring budget. The main rule of shopping on a budget is to spend more time on it. Consider your purchases carefully and there is no reason why you cannot have an epic sense of style without the wallet to match!

Author's Profile

IKrush is the online fashion retailer selling a range of affordable and cheap clothing. They believe every girl should be able to buy ladies/women's jackets and more at some of the lowest prices around.

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