Formal Doesnt Have to Mean Boring - Flash it up a Little

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    Feb 08, 2013
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Faline Fennelly
Faline Fennelly
Photo by Purple_Mecha

In our day and age men have become far more aware of what they are wearing, even going to experimental lengths with regards to how they look. A few decades ago men would limit their formal shirts to just a few dull colours with a few simple patterns thrown in for good measure.

That “one fits all” mentality has certainly changed now though, with there being endless different styles, designs, colours and fabrics for men to take advantage of. Each man is different and will have his own opinion on what style looks good on him, what colours he should be avoiding and what formal shirt will suit the particular occasion.

There are still some things that men need to know when it comes to picking the right men’s formal shirt, which is what we are going to spend five minutes detailing for you.

A Wrongly Fitted Shirt can Look…WRONG!

This is by far the most important factor a man should know about when choosing the right formal shirt, they should never be too tight or too loose. A tailor made shirt will always fit perfectly, yet most men purchase from retail stores, so finding one that fits perfectly is more of a challenge.

Floral Prints are a Big No-No!

There is such a thing as going a little too far for formal clothing, with floral patterns not really befitting something that is classed as formal. Go for something a little less flamboyant and stick with stripes or checks. Always make sure you try and match the patterns you are wearing with the patterns on your trousers and blazers too.

Day Wear/Evening Wear – There is a Difference!

During the day you should be looking for colour and lighter shades, whereas during the evening darker shades suit the occasion so much better. Another good alternative to try during the evening are silk shirts, they combine formal attire with a sense of class.

Never Have the Same Coloured Shirt as your Trousers!

Probably the number one rule with formal wear is to mix and match the colour's you are wearing. It can look peculiar to see somebody wearing the exact same colour both on top and on the bottom. Having contrasting colours has been a formula for men throughout the ages and it is certainly a formula that isn’t broken so doesn’t need fixing.

Check your Company Policy!

Before you purchase any type of formal shirt it would be wise to check with the company that employs you as to what they set as their guidelines. Some companies can actually be very strict on what they allow their staff to wear, so make sure you are abiding by your companies dress code before you buy that pink striped men’s formal shirt.

When it comes to a men’s formal shirt, in modern times they can be so much more extravagant than they once were, however, there are still some lines that should not be crossed.

Author's Profile

Mark French is a frequent contributor for Pako Lorente UK and has written many articles pertaining to all things regarding fashion and men’s wear especially on such subjects as making the best of your look throughout the seasons with men’s formal shirts and their accessories.

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