HireWriters to the Rescue

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    Aug 02, 2013
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HireWriters to the Rescue Photo by Belinda Jackson

I wound up signing up for more than one on-line article writing service. After filling out profiles and submitting writing samples and checking job boards, I've found Hirewriters to be one of the most streamlined and friendly companies who hire freelance writers. The job postings are straightforward and easy to understand. There is a running tally of what has been earned and how many jobs are in the process of being written. They responded promptly to a message I sent them and addressed the issue with courteous professionalism. That is more than I was getting from working with my new supervisor.

Some people may question the rate of pay that an article writing service may provide. It has been my experience that working for an article writing service like Hirewriters is like learning any other skill: the more assignments I accept and complete, the faster I am able to write the next one. There is also something to be said for quality of life. If you are happy, that can be worth more than a lot of money. Another nice feature of Hirewriters is that you are informed when your article is accepted or if the client requests a re-write. This has always been done with professional courtesy from my experience.

Another benefit I have enjoyed from Hirewriters is the chance to learn and write about interesting new subjects I wouldn't normally look into during the course of my everyday life. The choice of what to write about is always up to the writer, so writing about new and unfamiliar topics is completely optional.

Freedom at Last

To work for any place that is looking to hire freelance writers, you must possess a certain degree of self-motivation. In my experience, the Hirewriters article writing service has always done what they promised. I don’t expect to become independently wealthy through them, but they provide a much more pleasant income than I had while trying to work with my new supervisor. I enjoy the choice they provide, the communication we’ve had, and most of all, the freedom to work around my own schedule in any environment I choose to be in.

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