Fixed Deposit Schemes A Risk-Free Investment

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    Jan 27, 2014
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Fixed Deposit Schemes A Risk-Free Investment Photo by Aishwarya Mahurkar

When we hear so many instances of investments gone wrong and the kind of losses that were incurred, it makes us think twice about how we can invest our own money smartly. From shares to real-estate, you never know when you’re going to run into a loss instead of making profit. There is however one investment scheme that promises returns without any risks – a fixed deposit account. This is the one scheme that allows us to save and build our funds without having any worries about market trends or industry fluctuations. Know what fixed deposit accounts are, where you can open them and all the varieties of fixed deposits  that exist in the market to gain a better understanding of this investment option.

Firstly, what is a Fixed Deposit Account? A Fixed Deposit (FD) allows you to deposit a certain sum of money into an account from which it cannot be withdrawn for a set period of time. The amount of money and tenure can be selected by you, and several financial institutions nowadays provide tailor made fixed deposit plans to suit their customer requirements. Once you know what your requirements are, finding the appropriate scheme becomes much easier than ever.

Fixed deposit accounts can be opened in almost all the banks these days. The trick is to find the right one. Don’t opt for just any bank/financial institution that comes your way. Make sure that the bank/financial institution has a steady reputation in the market and has several years of quality experience with customers. You must also be certain that the company you select for a fixed deposit has the kind of options that you desire. For example, if you’re a woman, they should have special schemes for women; if you’re a senior citizen, they should have specific plans for senior citizens, etc.

It’s important that you know all the varieties that exist in the fixed deposit market since you might end up missing out on the returns from a specific scheme tailor made for you by simply picking up a generic scheme. The only way to ensure that you have a broad awareness is to research about as many banks/financial institutions as possible. Even though a fixed deposit account guarantees benefits, no matter what, it’s always better to get the best plan for your situation.

Fixed deposit accounts in India  are gaining popularity with each passing day thanks to the advantages they provide. Build on your hard-earned money and make sure that your savings only grow. Choose a fixed deposit today to invest in the best policy available.

Author's Profile

An experienced writer on finance topics, the author articulates of investment choices such as varieties of fixed deposits & recurring deposit schemes. She writes about a variety of topics including the benefits of recurring & Fixed deposit accounts in India and how to make the right investment choice.

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